Hampton Speed Skating Club is preparing for the 2024/2025 season. We look forward to new and returning skaters. The following groups are accepting new skaters:
Group 4 – Learn to Skate I and II – $200* – Monday 5:15 to 5:45
Group 3 – Learn to Speed Skate $275* – Monday from 5:15 to 6:15
Group 2 – Intermediate Speed Skating $500* – Monday from 5:55 to 7:30 & Thursday 5:15 to 6:45
Group 1 – Competitive Speed Skating $500* – Monday 5:55 to 7:30 & Thursday 5:15 to 6:45
*A separate fee to Speed Skate NB and Speed Skate Canada is also paid by each skater during the online registration process.
Speed skate rentals are available and offered by coaches once a skater has reached a certain skill level.
Have questions, please email.
First session for all skaters: 14 October 2024. Restarts after Holidays on January 6, 2025 for all skaters.
Please Note the following:
-We do ask that if a child is 5 or under and cannot stand up on their own yet on skates and/or is unwilling to participate that a parent/Adult come out on the ice with them until they get used to skating. It usually only takes a few sessions.
-Sign-up and waivers are signed the first night in the foyer of the rink before your child goes on the ice. Please allow time for the paperwork. The start times listed above are when the skaters start their lessons on the ice.
-Online registration and payment happens a few weeks into the program. This allows the coaches time to assess the skaters and settle them into the correct skill groups. This also allows skaters a chance to try the program before committing to the registration fee. Please be patient with this process the first couple nights as it can be very busy figuring out the skill groups, but it will settle into a routine fairly quickly.
-Please see the chart of required safety equipment for all HSSC skaters (at bottom of this post). The chart will be followed by all coaches and equipment routinely checked. If you have any questions please ask a coach or send us an email.
-If you were renting speed skates with the club at the end of last season you will receive an email soon with the dates/fimes to be fitted for your rentals prior to the first practice.
Feel free to send an email to let us know if you are returning, if your plans have changed for the season or if you would like to be removed from the mailing list.